My public notes
2020-03-01 Dotnet Core console exit code compatibility problem
2020-02-24 How to produce a cross-platform binary with Dotnet Core
2020-02-21 Dotnet to Dotnetcore - WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name
2015-09-10 Howto disable C# 6 Support in Visual Studio 2015
2012-02-22 WinDbg, howto find the cause of an IIS crash in production
2011-08-18 XML deserialization error with invalid character
2010-03-10 Error 415 and WCF Compatibility between .Net 2.0 and 3.5
2010-01-28 How to remove Diacritics in Dotnet
2009-10-09 WCF WSDL SOAP binding, Rpc or Document, Encoded or Literal
2009-08-09 The time separator
2009-07-16 XmlWriter and UTF-8 encoding without signature