With TFS 2017, we can use the command line VSTS CLI
With TFS 2015, we can use the REST API
Here is an example :
$repository = "thereponame"
$sourceBranch = "feature/helloworld"
$targetBranch = "develop"
$reviewerId = "18ff8b6a-6806-4580-b263-4267cd79f86f"
$teamProject = "myteamproject"
$collection = "mycollection"
$tfsBaseUrl = "http://myserver"
$apiVersion = "3.0-preview.1"
[uri] $url = "$tfsBaseUrl/$collection/$teamProject/_apis/git/repositories/$repository/pullRequests?api-version=$apiVersion"
# Prepend refs/heads/ to branches so shortened version can be used in title
$sourceRefName = "refs/heads/$sourceBranch"
$targetRefName = "refs/heads/$targetBranch"
# JSON for creating PR without Reviewer specified
$body= @"
"sourceRefName": "$sourceRefName",
"targetRefName": "$targetRefName",
"Title": "Merge $sourceBranch to $targetBranch",
"Description": "PR created from powershell via REST API",
# Use URI and JSON above to invoke the REST call and capture the response.
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url `
-UseDefaultCredentials `
-Method Post `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Body $body
Write-Host "PR Id : " + $response.pullRequestId
Write-Host "PR Url : " + $response.url